Elder Joe Leishman~Philippines Angeles Mission

January 2011-January 2013

Monday, February 21, 2011

MTC Week 5 already?

Goodbye photo with Joe and Elder Tyson Green
We can't believe Elder Leishman has gone for over a month. Time isn't quite flying, but it is coming along nicely! Here's the latest. We love the Monday emails!

Dear family and friends,

It has been a great week at the mtc! I first need to say thank you for valentines and letters. They put many smiles on my face to say the least! So like everyweek so far at the mtc, this past week has been a week of learning. I think that the most important thing that I learned came from the tuesday night devotional. Kevin W. Pearson of the 70 spoke to us and what he told us what just what I needed to hear. For the week leading up to the devotional I really had been feeling like there was something missing in my missionary work. Elder Pearson words helped me find what I was missing through the spirit. Elder Pearson started out his talk by really putting us in our place a little bit. The first thing I thought of was "wow. This is like a spiritual smack in face." It really was. He told us that most of us are boys that are acting like missionaries. We havn't yet become missionaries. He focused on how we could become disciples of Christ. This comes through exact obedience, faith and hard work. The thing that stood out to me the most was exact obedience. Before this fireside I thought myself to be an obedient missionary, but while he talked I realized all the little things I don't do. The thing that I was missing was exact obedience. After this talk I made a promise to myself to be exactly obedient for my entire mission and to never be a missionary that my mission president would ever worry about. I learned that in many ways I havn't become a missionary yet, I am only a boy acting like a missionary. I learned that becoming a disciple of Chirst and the missionary I want to be I need to stop focusing on myself and start looking for ways to serve and love others. I also learned that I choose whether or not I become that missionary. I think I am finally starting to understand the phrase " if it is to be it is up to me". No matter our circumstances we choose our attitude and what we do. We really can do anything with faith, obedience and the help of the lord. On the subject of obedience, I love Alma 57. What a great story of obedience and the blessings that come from it.

This past week at the TRC I walked into to the language task to see Ty Foster standing in my assigned room. Talk about a small world! It was awesome being able to teach someone I knew in Tagalog. I could tell that Ty was getting a kick out of my poor Tagalog but who wouldn't. We also taught our last lesson in English last week. From here on it's all Tagalog! I'll admit it's not amazing teaching but we can do it. It's hard to belive that after four and 1/2 weeks we are teaching in all Tagalog. In fact everything is in Tagalog now: Our teachers speak Tagalog, we read PMG and the scripture in Tagalog in class, we teach in Tagalog and we are supposed to SYL(speak your language) as much as possible. Lots of Tagalog but we need all of the Tagalog we can get.

Thank you to everyone who sent else Tomasi and not or a card or package. It really means so much to him! Seeing him receive letters is on of the best parts of my day. I know the love and the support means so much to him. Elder Tomasi is an amazing person. I am so blessed to have him as Kasama ko.

Mahal kita

Elder Leishman

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