We love getting email on Mondays and letters on Wednesdays, but what a surprise to receive pictures on Tuesday! In his Wednesday letter, he related that he broke out with the worst hives he has ever had (rivaling Hitch and his allergic reaction to seafood) and the next day, his feet were still swollen. Benadryl didn't touch it... he ran into Elder Keller Seamons who LAUGHED! (Who wouldn't?)
Here are his first MTC photos with District 3 and Elder Tomasi:
left to right: E Comish, Elder Gagnon, E Leishman, E Andrus, E Morris, E Tomasi, E Tuitama
Hello! My name is Nancy Gagnon and I am Elder Chris Gagnon's mom who is serving in the MTC with your son Elder Leishman. I was searching for some of Chris' companions on the internet and came across your son's blog. What a delight to hear about their experiences through another Elder's eyes. Also a blessing to find your pictures with my son Elder Gagnon in them....Unfortunately, Chris has sent us two memory cards with pictures and one arrived with nothing on it and the second one was lost in the mail, so thus far we have no pictures! I hope you don't mind if I save these pictures with Chris in them and post them to his blog? It's so wonderful to finally see some pictures of him at the MTC with his fellow elders that he writes home to us about with great fondness....I wish Elder Leishman great success in the Philippines and thank you for raising such a fine young man that has been a good friend to my Chris...All the best, Sister Nancy Gagnon