Elder Joe Leishman~Philippines Angeles Mission

January 2011-January 2013

Friday, November 9, 2012

Conference 10/15

Dear family and friends, This past week was a wonderful week! I absolutely loved conference. That by far was a highlight of the week! What a spiritual feast. some of my favorite talks from the work were from Elder Bednar, President Uchdorf, Elder Nelson and President Monson. They were such wonderful talks and I feel like there were some awesome themes throughout conference. I loved the focus of family, missionary work, discipleship and conversion. I have to say that I am so excited for the announcement about the new age that young men and young women can leave on missions. The Lord truly is hastening his work. I think there will be many, many more sisters going on mission and well and an increase of Elders. This will be a blessing for every mission. The Sisters in our mission do awesome work and getting more of them would be a huge blessing. I feel like so many things from general conference were said just for me. I wish I had lots of time to write lots on this subject, but I don't. But if you have questions "Ask the missionaries. They can help you". I loved that talk. It really is so true. If you know anyone who needs the Gospel. Help them ask the missionaries! This week we had one really cool experience with the Book of Mormon Activity we have been doing. When we decided that we were going to do the finding Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon activity, we ordered English Book of Mormons' to distribute to the missionaries because we don't have a lot of English Book of Mormon. We usually only use Tagalog in proselyting. We ordered them a few weeks of. We were waiting for our Book of Mormon's to come in and they didn't come so we called to follow our order up and it turned out that the PBO was out of stock as well. We were able to get Book of Mormon's out to 8 out of our 11 zones but we still needed more. After a couple more days we got news that the order came into manila and they shipped them out on a truck, but they said it could take days before they came. Elder Adao and I prayed and prayed and they didn't end up coming. Then last Monday night. The night before we left to travel for interviews (the last possible chance we could get Book of Mormon's out to the missionaries in time for them to finish in time) Elder Adao and I knelt in prayer and asked for the Lord's help with the Book of Mormons. After the prayer we both felt a calm assurance that it would be o.k. and we knew that we could get the Book of Mormon's in the next day. The following morning we left at 7:00 am and they hadn't come yet but our interviews that morning were in Angeles which is only 30 minutes away from the mission home. Angeles was was one of the zone's without Books of Mormon. As the interviews started and as workshops were going own Elder Tischner (One of the senior office Missionaries) showed up with 3 boxes of English BOM! The timing was amazing. It couldn't have been more last minute. It was an experience that taught me that if the Lord wants you to do something he'll make a way for you to do it. It also taught me about the power of prayer. Just like President Monson's talk I know that the Lord answers our prayers. He always does it in a really unique way and his timing is always perfect. It's not usually the timing you expect but it's the time the Lord needs. That was one of our miracles this past week. Yesterday while working with Elder Tating I felt prompted to aproach a young man texting on his cell phone in a subdivision we were in. As we started to talk to him I immediately knew why. It turns out he is a graduate from college with no job, and doesnt' really have a direction for his life. We started to talk to him about the Plan of Salvation and how Heavenly father has a plan for us while we are here on this earth. He invited us to go into his house and we were able to teach him about the Plan of Salvation he had lots of questions and he readily accepted commitements. Elder Tating and his companion and going back on tuesday and I am really excited to hear about how it goes. I love being a missionary. I love the Gospel. mahal ko kayo Love Elder Leishman

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