Dear friends and family,
This past week has been amazing! First we had our Zone leaders council meeting at the mission home. It was such a spiritual experience. ZLC is definately my favorite meeting in the mission. In this meeting we discuss mission buisness, have zone accountablity, talk about the mission training plan for the month, get trained by the Assistants and by President and Sister Martino and we have a testimony meeting. At this past ZLC the focus was faith. I have always thought that faith was very simple principle of the Gospel but this past week I learned so much about Faith! I don't have enough or the english skills to say everything I want to about faith. However one of the favorite things that I learned is the importance of Faith in connection with obedience. In order to be obedient we need to have faith. Obedience is impossible without faith. However when we are obedient our faith in Jesus Christ grows and we gain spiritual power. Faith really is a principle of power! We also talked about the importance of leading by example. As a leader you can't expect anyone to do anything that you are unable to do or aren't doing. Jesus set the example "Come follow me". He is the perfect leader. One reason is because he led by example. Because of ZLC my faith has increased so much. THe quality of my study, prayers, and all aspects of the work have increased. I feel like this is all because of faith. I still have so much to improve on but I know that with faith and the help of the Lord I can do it. At ZLC it was also fun to have some of my batchmates there like Elder Andrus and Elder Tuitama who were also my roomates in the MTC. I still havn't seen Elder Tomasi yet in the field but it has to happen eventually.
This past week was a good week in the work. We are working with a lot of less-actives with the Rescue program. Here in our area we also have a lot of new investigators and hardly any of them are progressing. Right now we are focusing of basic commitments to help them start their progress towards conversion, but with how big our area is we have having trouble with frequent contact to all of our investigators. It's a challenge but we have some great things happening everyday. Brother and Sister Bade (the new recent converts from the Baptism last week) Are doing great and really want their children to listen to the Gospel. They have 2 children who are ages 17 and 22. They aren't that excited to listen to us but came to church yesterday and we have an appointment with them tonight. I am praying that it will be a good appointment and that they will be receptive to our teaching. Teaching families is one of the best parts of being a misisonary and I know the Bade family can embrace the Gospel as a family. Keep them in your prayers.
Things here in San Jose and doing good. Our zone is awesome! We have some awesome hard working missionaries! Right now we are really trying to help our zone be 100% That is what will allow us to reach our full potential. This transfer is off to a good start. I'm still adjusting to the area but things are going good. I am also really enjoying being companions with Elder Adao. We are on the same page about misisonary work and are having a lot of fun together. Missionary work is fun!
mahal ko kayo
Love Elder Leishman
ps. I took the first picture while walking to an appointment through a rice field. The Second picture is of Elder and Adao with an investigator(the brother in the orange shirt) and with his next door neighbor who has a pretty great bullcut!
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