Dear Family, friends and loved ones,
This past week has been a very busy, successful one! It's hard to choose what to write about and where to begin. First I want to share and experience this from this past week I had with an investigator. This past week we were teaching Dixtor who has been an investigator on and off for over a year and had attended church lots of times. While we were teaching him we asked him what had been keeping him from getting baptised for the past year and he brought up a lot of different questions and concerns. I answered one of his questions with the book of Mormon and then I asked him if he had really been reading the Book of Mormon. I then bore testimony to him about the Book of Mormon and how the answers to his questions are in the book he was holding. I also told him that the Book of Mormon was his way to know the truth. If the Book of Mormon is true then we don't have to worry about why we should avoid coffee because we know it's a commandment that came through a living prophet. I said more things about the book Mormon, but it basically came down to if you want to know the answers to your questions and know if everything the Elders have taught you are true, read the Book of Mormon. This experience really strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon and how it really is the keystone of our religion. The Book of Mormon is such a powerful tool in conversion and is essential for investigators to gain a testimony. It is also essential in all of our lives. I love reading the Book of Mormon everyday and I don't know what I would do without it.
This past week we tried to contact a referral 4 times but were unsuccessful. However yesterday she came to church on her own and the member who referred her introduced us to here and we taught her the restoration yesterday. Her name is Nina and she is so prepared to receive the Gospel. The fact that she came to church on her own says something. I am very excited to teach her and I pray that she will progress and gain a testimony of the Gospel.
Our new chapel is far away from a lot of the members and a lot of members have meetings after church. Because of that a lot of members brought lunch to church yesterday, because they wouldn't be going home will 3 or 4. So yesterday after church we set up a few tables outside and we all ate together. Everyone brought their own rice and ulam (rice toppings, main dish, ect...) but most of the families ended up sharing ulam. It was like a little branch picnic. Elder Tating and I brought food to because we go straight to work after our meetings. I loved eating with the members yesterday. We were like one big happy family. I feel so blessed to be here and I love my branch so much!
This week we have 2 baptisms for Nora and her Daughter Ronalyn. I'm very excited for them. They are very ready and excited to become members. Right now we also have 7 other investigators for Baptisms in October 15. That is like our universal baptismal date right now and I just pray that our investigators can continue on the path.
Today marks 8 months on my mission and it really is just hard to believe. It goes fast... too fast. The important thing is to take it a day at a time and to do the very best you can.
I love being a missionary and I love you all so much
Mahal ko kayo
Love Elder Leishman
ps. the picture is of me and 2 of my favorite kids. Clarence (recent convert), and John Ray. They are awesome!
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