Dear family and friends,
As always it's been another great week in Burgos. There was a Baguio and it rained for 4 days without stopping and almost all my clothes are wet. We got punted a few times because our investigators were out in the fields planting rice becuase of the rain but despite the rain it was still a good week. We had our last zone conference with President and Sister Puzey. It was awesome! It was such a spiritual, uplifting conference. President Puzey focused on the the need to be Christlike, and Love. Chapter 6 of Preach my Gospel (Christlike attributes) is my favorite chapter. As missionaries it's not just about what we do but it's about who we are. I have mentioned this chapter a few times but I really love it. As missionaries it's all about love. We need to gain charity and love for all people; Our Savior, our families, our investigators, our companions, the members, the people you sit next to on jeeps and even the drunkard who swears at you as you pass by. When we have charity we are different people. People also need to know that we love them. There is a saying that I hear a lot from other missionaries "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" It's really true. It's like the Example of Ammon. King Lamoni probably wouldn't have been converted if Ammon and marched in and said "I'm here to baptize you!" . He first served the King and showed his loyalty of love.
Saturday was a crazy day. I woke up to the sound of pouring rain and my first thoughts were about Pepito's Baptism. I knew that we probably couldn't hold his baptism at the river. I spent a most of the morning praying that we could find a way to have a baptism for Pepito. When we went to the meeting house no one was there. Our branch presidency had gone out into the fields to work because they thought we wouldn't have the baptism because the river was dirty and overflowing. The wife of our branch president was home so she was able to get a hold of the Branch Presidency. We then were able to contact the Zone leaders who happened to be having a baptism an hour later at the stake center. We hopped on a couple of trikes and headed into the city. There were only six of us, because there was no other transportation for the members but things worked out great. The trip to the city took 1 hour each direction in the pouring rain. When we got the stake center the font was filled and Pipito was baptized. I am so grateful that the Lord provided a way for Pepito to the baptized. When there is faith and will, there is a way. Yesterday the rain was still coming down. I knew that Pepito would have a hard time getting to church. Pepito is very poor and he usually barely has the money to go to church. Since he used all his money for his pamensahe to his baptism, the Tanedo's gave him some money so he could go to church and be confirmed. Pepito was able to get a ride with a private jeep (which never happens) and was able to attend church and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Pepito said that he had been praying for a way to be baptized and to be confirmed. He said he knew that because of his faith and prayers the Lord provided a way. This was a testimony building experience for Pepito and for me. The Lord does answers our prayers. However faith needs to be the essence of our prayers. I am so grateful that everything worked out and that the Lord answered our prayers. When we have faith nothing is impossible.
Things with Elder Calianga are good. His style of work is almost exactly opposite of Elder Pioquinto's so we are working on adjusting to be able to teach and work together in Unity. He is really quiet and very serious but slowly he is opening up to me. The work is good right now and it's continuing to improve. This week we have four baptisms and again I pray that everything will work out. It seems that right before baptisms crazy random things happen in the lives of investigators. This is Satan's way of trying to prevent them from following the Gospel. However with faith, effective follow up and the support of members things work out.
Here is a little funny story. Last night we had a member drive us home on his trike. It's a 1 hour and 45 minute walk from his house to our apartment so we pay for his gas and he drives us home. Last night the store where we usually buy gas was closed so we were going to get gas closer to our apartment Halfway home we ran out of gas.... We then pushed the trike with the member's son steering for 30 minutes in the rain. We were using a flashlight to see. I loved every second of it and we laughed a most of the time. When we were about 10 minutes away from our apartment we finally were able to get some gas and we were able to make it home before 9.
Well I love the Gospel, I love the Work, I love the Lord, I love my investigators, I love the members, I love my family. It's all about love
Love Elder Leishman
Note from mamalar:I thought Joe looked terrible in this pic compared to the pics he has sent the last two weeks. He assured me that he is healthy and feeling great, he just looked like that because of the rain. Hmmmmmm
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