Elder Joe Leishman~Philippines Angeles Mission

January 2011-January 2013

Monday, February 28, 2011

We Have 2 Ears and One Mouth for a Reason

Dear family and friends,

It's hard to believe that I am writing my 6th email from the MTC and that in three short weeks I will be on my way to the Philippines! The time flies here! The weeks go by faster than I ever thought they would. This past week my district taught at the TRC for the first time in 100% Tagalog. I don't think I have ever studied as hard as I did in the days preceding the TRC. I was a little nervous going about teaching but it went really well. When I walked into my assigned room I was pleased to see that I would be teaching Ty Foster again. It really has been awesome being able to teach someone you know. Elder Tomasi and I taught the entire first lesson with about 10-12 words of taglish between the two of us. I was amazing with how well we did. It really helped me gain a stronger testimony of our ability as missionaries to do amazing things if we are working hard and living worthy of the spirit. However there was one thing that we did terrible at during our teaching and that was listening. focusing on what I was going to say in Tagalog I know that during the entire lesson I was We have 2 ears and one mouth for a reason. Listening to your investigators is sooooo important. Without really listening to the investigator you cannot teach to their needs. In contrast to the TRC, on friday we taught our progressive investigator John a lesson about faith and exercising it through prayer. I tried so hard to listen to John and have him repeat something if I didn't understand it. I also had a prayer in my heart whenever Elder Tomasi was teaching. The difference was amazing. The spirit was strong, the Tagalog words came to my mouth and we were able to really teach to John's needs like we had not done before. It's such a great experience to teach and feel the spirit. I cannot wait to see what it's like to teach the gospel to a real investigator.

Elder Tomasi is doing great! I am so blessed to ahve him as my kasama. I really do learn important things from him everyday. Since day one at the mtc I have had a feeling that a lot of my important learning at the MTC would have a lot to do with my companionship with Elder Tomasi. I know that this is true and I know that we are companions for a reason. Again thank you to all who have sent him a letter. Letters mean more to him than any package or gift could so thank you so much.

On a slightly random note, about a week ago I had gained almost 10 lbs since I had entered the mtc.... gotta love the mtc food! But however I am currently on my way back down and am only 5-6 lbs above where I came in. Just thought I would share that fun fact with you.

Yesterday at the Sunday night fireside, Steven B Allen (the director of the missionary department?) gave us a great talk about how the turbulance and trials and how they are here to help us grow stronger. I know that every missionary experiences a least a little turbulance at the mtc. I know I have. There have been many times where I have felt discouraged about the language and feelings of inadequacy about being a missionary and being able to help be the companion Elder Tomasi needs. However I have learned that after these feelings leave I feel more able to do the things that the Lord wants me to do. The only way to grow stronger and become a faithful servant of the lord is to experience some trials and turbulance in your life. I know that the lord will do what's best for us if we trust in him.

Well my time is almost up! If anyone has any questions for me don't be afraid to write. Things are great here. I love being a missionary.


Elder Leishman

Ps. our zone gets 2 new districts on wed. I'm so excited!

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