Family and Friends,
It has been another great week here in Burgos. It was so great to be able to call my family on mother's day. It felt really short but it was great to hear everyone's voices and know that everything is going well. This past week we gained a new investigator named Adonis Benosa. Adonis is in his late 30's and his wife and children are members. His 6 year old daughter passed away from leukemia last week and I actually dedicated her grave. That was definately a experience were I felt very inadequate and unqualified. While the death of his daughter is very sad it has been a great experience to teach him about how the Gospel blesses families and the plan of Salvation. I have seen the gospel bring him comfort already and he has a strong desire to be united as a family. Right now his baptismal goal date is 6/11/11 and with the support of his family and his desire to know the truth I have a really good feeling that he will continue to progress. Tatay Remegio, Nicko, Joshua and Rolando are doing great with their preparation for baptism. Tatay Tanedo is great as always. This past week while visiting him he talked about his experiences with other churches and there was always something that he didn't like about them. He said that things feel right in the lds church. The things we do and teach follow the teachings of Christ. Right now all of my investigators have had some experience with religion in their life. The thing that is true of all of our progressing investigators is that as they follow commitments and learn about the gospel things feel "right". It's sometimes hard for investigators to recognize these feelings of things being right as the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost doesn't always bring powerful strong feelings but when we feel the spirit and recieve answers to our prayers things feel "right". Right now one of the biggest challenges for our investigators is church attendance. Most of them read the Book of Mormon, pray and follow most of their commitments but when Sunday comes they don't attend church. This week we are focusing on helping our investigators learn the importance of church attendance and helping them make their own plans to attend church.
One thing I have learned to value so far on mission is planning! Before my mission I wasn't a big planner but it is so effective and necessary. Our missionary days are crammed full! There is always something we need to do and it feels like there is never enough time to do it all. Effective planning leads to more efficient work and more efficient days. When you plan well you are able to work smarter and work harder. This past week we made some extra efforts with back up plans because we had had some appointments fall through and due to these efforts we taught thirty lessons in one week. This is the most lessons in a week Elder Pioquinto has taught his whole mission! They were meaningful lessons too! It was a good week. I pray that we can continue to progress in the work.
As far as the pictures go the first is of the famous Tatay Tanedo! The second is a group of brothers that we are teaching (two of them are getting baptized on may 19). The third is my zone this morning in Capas.
Mahal Kita
Elder Leishman
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