Elder Joe Leishman~Philippines Angeles Mission

January 2011-January 2013

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

Dear Family and Friends,

LDSmail was down so sorry this is short. This past week has been a good one. It was Banal na Araw or Holy Week. Holy Week is a big deal here. Biernes Santos or Good Friday is the big day not easter. It slowed down the work a little with days without any Jeeps and some of our investigators leaving but it was good. Right now we have four investigators with a set baptismal date of may 14 and 7 others with Baptismal goal dates next transfer. One of our investigators with the BD of may 14 is Tatay Tanedo. I have talked about him a couple times. This past week when following up about his prayers he said that he "prayers for a fighting spirit to resist temptation". He emphasized fighting spirit a few times. He helped me realize that we all need a fighting spirit to resist temptation. In the hymn put your shoulder to the wheel it says "the fight with sin is real". It's true. However how do we get a fighting spirit and fight sin. Like tatay Tanedo we need to have faith to overcome sin and exercise our faith through prayer and obeying the commandments. As we constantly exercise our faith and ask for help we can all have a "fighting spirit".

A few quick words of business. Firstly next week is transfer week so P-day is on Wednesday. So don't worry when you don't get an email on monday! Also, if you by any chance send a package don't itemize it. On the description be general, for example "birthday present".

This past week I spent a lot of my personal study in the Book of Mormon studying the atonement. What a blessing it was to study the atonement and get to know my Savior better. In my five weeks in the field I have really come to love the Savior like I never have before. He knows all our trials, difficulites and pains. He felt them all. He was the only person to ever walk to the Earth who could atone for our sins. He wants to help us and give us comfort but first we must have faith in him and go to him. As I have been able to get to know my Savior I have found comfort in the trials I have had big or small. Now it's my resposibility to help bring others unto Christ so they can find that same comfort and joy. This past week I have realized more fully what it means to invite others to come unto Christ. It's more than teaching lessons. It's helping them go to their Savior and find joy and peace as they feel his love by living his Gospel Everyday as study I realized how I am nothing without the Lord. As I study preach my gospel and interact with other missionaries I feel in many ways like a child in the mission. I'm new and I have so much to learn and so many skills I need to develop. The only way I will be able to learn and grow will be through the help of the Lord. I know that as I trust in the Lord, have faith, work hard and am obedient I'll be able to do all things I need to do and become an effective missionary.

Mahal Kita

Love Elder Leishman

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